Applications And Advantages of EVA Foam Fenders
Cone Fenders
Applications And Advantages of EVA Foam Fenders
Cone Fenders

Floating Fenders

  1. Applications of Floating Fenders:
    • Commercial Ports: Floating fenders are often used in busy ports or docks with large vessels. They are particularly useful in ports with tides or fluctuating water levels, as they can move with the vessel and the water’s surface.
    • Oil and Gas Platforms: Floating fenders are commonly used at offshore oil rigs and gas platforms to protect the structure from supply vessels during mooring operations.
    • Shipyards and Marinas: Floating fenders are ideal for shipyards or private marinas where ships of various sizes dock frequently. They protect both the ships and the marina structures.
    • Cruise Ship Terminals: Floating fenders are used in cruise ship terminals, especially where there are significant variations in the water level between tide changes.
  2. Advantages of Floating Fenders:
    • Adaptability: Floating fenders can move with the vessel, adjusting their position based on water movement. This adaptability is particularly important in areas with tide changes or strong currents.
    • Ease of Installation and Adjustment: Floating fenders can be easily relocated or adjusted based on changing needs, such as accommodating different types of vessels or adjusting to new dock configurations.
    • Minimal Infrastructure: Since they float, floating fenders don’t require the extensive mounting or reinforced infrastructure that fixed fenders may need, making them a cost-effective solution in certain conditions.
    • Protection from Vessel Impact: Floating fenders provide excellent protection from impact forces, reducing the risk of damage to ships’ hulls and dock structures.
  3. Customization:
    • Floating fenders can be customized to suit the specific needs of different installations. Custom features may include the size of the fender, the material used for the outer covering, and the type of attachment system used to secure the fender in place.